Posts tagged with "steel brigade" - 1
Posted October 1, 2011 at 8:51 pm
While looking for Guzzle (and succeeding, yay Meijer) I also checked the GIJOE pegs.  Holy crap, they had a Steel Brigade dude!  Man, I don't pay any attention to GIJOE anymore.  He was a surprise.  Anyway, I totally grabbed him.

Steel Brigade was this promotional thing when I was a kid.  You send in this form where you fill in a name and choose a primary and secondary military specialty and also send in some money, and a few weeks later you got this Steel Brigade dude with a personalized filecard.  It was pretty damn sweet, not gonna lie.

Anyway, my guy's name was Tyranno.  Look, I don't know, I really liked dinosaurs.  If I recall, his primary specialty was something related to flying and his secondary was probably related to weaponry.  So,  yes, he was a guy named after a dinosaur who flew and had lots of weapons.  Maybe this is why I dig Wexter so much.  I mean, he is clearly the trifecta.

I am assuming that, true to Steel Brigade Guy's origins, that Steel Brigade is a bunch of mixed existing parts and a new helmet.  The new helmet goes over a masked face, probably Beachhead's.  The new Joes continue to come with a buttload of stuff.  This means he comes with two backpacks, which feels even stranger to me than more guns than he can carry.  I'm not sure why.  Anyway, one of them's full of removable rockets for his rocket launcher and the other is clearly for camping. There's also two black rifles, one of which can sit in the tripod.

Since Tyranno was a weapons expert, I gave him the backpack with rockets and the rocket launcher.

That's right, I'm calling him Tyranno.
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